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The Hidden Pitfalls of Over-Optimized Code
In software development, the desire to write efficient and high-performance code is natural. Optimizing your code to run faster, use less memory, or perform better is a common practice, especially as projects grow in size and complexity. However, there's a risk in...

Gen Z are taking a ‘stopgap solution’ approach to their careers but is this a bad thing?
Forget a job for life or working your way up the career ladder in the same company—Gen Z are taking a new approach and deploying a ‘stopgap solution’ instead. This involves taking on temporary roles or roles in a temporary capacity with no intention of staying...

7 Essential Coding Habits for Building Job-Ready Skills
Developing job-ready coding skills is not just about learning a language or framework. It involves cultivating habits that improve your problem-solving ability, code quality, and collaboration. These habits make you stand out in the eyes of employers and help you...

Why Every Developer Should Think Like a Product Manager
As a developer, your primary focus is writing clean, functional code that brings ideas to life. But in today’s fast-paced tech world, technical skills alone aren’t enough to stand out. Understanding the bigger picture of the product you’re building and its impact on...

The Most Underrated Skills Every Self-Taught Developer Needs
Being a self-taught developer requires more than just mastering syntax or frameworks. The journey involves cultivating a unique set of skills that often go unnoticed but can make a significant difference in your career. Here are the most underrated skills that every...

The Hidden Pitfalls of Over-Optimized Code
In software development, the desire to write efficient and high-performance code is natural. Optimizing your code to run faster, use less memory, or perform better is a common practice, especially as projects grow in size and complexity. However, there's a risk in...