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Python vs Java

by | Mar 31, 2024

Python vs Java: Key Differences Explained

Did you know that Python and Java are two of the most popular programming languages in the world? In fact, according to the TIOBE Index, Python has consistently maintained its position as one of the top three programming languages, while Java has been ranked as the most widely used programming language for over two decades.

With such popularity, it’s no wonder that individuals often find themselves torn between Python and Java when deciding which programming language to learn or use for their projects. Both languages have their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the key differences between Python and Java is crucial in making an informed decision.

This article will explore the essential aspects of Python and Java, including syntax, speed and performance, application and usage, learning curve, popularity and demand, community and support, and specific differences in web development and data science. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the differences between these two languages and be better equipped to choose the one that aligns with your goals and requirements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Python and Java are among the most popular programming languages in the world.
  • Understanding the key differences between Python and Java is essential when deciding which language to learn or use.
  • This article will explore various aspects of both languages, including syntax, speed, application, learning curve, popularity, and community support.
  • By the end of the article, you will understand the differences between Python and Java.
  • This knowledge will help you choose the most suitable language for your programming needs and goals.

Syntax Comparison

When comparing Python and Java, it’s essential to understand the syntax differences between the two programming languages. While both Python and Java are widely used and have strengths, their syntax varies in several key areas.

Code Structure

Python’s syntax focuses on readability and simplicity. It uses indentation to define code blocks and does not require semicolons to terminate statements. On the other hand, Java uses curly braces to denote code blocks and semicolons to mark the end of each statement.

Variable Declarations

In Python, variable declarations are dynamic and do not require explicit type annotations, making Python more concise and flexible. In contrast, Java is a statically typed language, necessitating explicit type declarations for variables.


Python and Java support the commonly used ‘for’ and ‘while’ loops. However, Python’s ‘for’ loop is iterable and works directly with different types of objects, such as lists. In Java, the ‘for’ loop iterates over arrays or specifies a range of numbers with a fixed increment.

Conditional Statements

Python uses indentation to define the scope of conditional statements like ‘if,’ ‘elif,’ and ‘else.’ Indentation is insignificant in Java; these statements are enclosed within curly braces.

“Python’s syntax is often praised for its simplicity and elegance, providing a more intuitive coding experience. Java, with its syntax structure, offers a more traditional and explicit approach.”

Understanding and appreciating the syntax differences between Python and Java will help you choose the language that best suits your coding style and project requirements.

Code StructureUses indentation to define code blocksUses curly braces to denote code blocks
Variable DeclarationsDynamic and does not require explicit type annotationsStatically-typed and requires explicit type declarations
LoopsIterable ‘for’ loop that works with different object types‘For’ loop iterates over arrays or specifies a range of numbers
Conditional StatementsUses indentation to define scopeCurly braces enclose conditional statements

Speed and Performance

One crucial aspect when comparing Python and Java is their speed and performance. A programming language’s performance can significantly impact your applications’ efficiency and responsiveness. This section will delve into the speed and performance differences between Python and Java, exploring various factors to help you make an informed decision.

Compilation vs. Interpretation

One key distinction between Python and Java is their approach to code execution. Java is a compiled language, meaning the code is first converted into bytecode and then executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This compilation process allows Java to optimize code for performance, resulting in faster execution times.

On the other hand, Python is an interpreted language, which means that the code is directly executed line by line. While interpreted languages offer flexibility and ease of use, they generally have slower execution times than compiled languages like Java.

Execution Time

Regarding execution time, Java generally performs better for computationally intensive tasks. The JVM’s optimization techniques, such as just-in-time (JIT) compilation, contribute to Java’s ability to execute complex computations efficiently. This makes Java a preferred choice for high-performance computing applications, such as scientific simulations or financial modeling.

On the other hand, Python might be slower regarding execution time, especially for CPU-bound tasks. However, Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy and Pandas, offer optimized solutions for various computational tasks, mitigating some of the performance differences from Java.

Memory Management

Memory management is another crucial factor when considering the speed and performance of programming languages. Java utilizes automatic memory management through garbage collection, which frees developers from explicitly managing memory allocation and deallocation. This enables Java to manage memory resources efficiently, preventing memory leaks and improving overall performance.

Python also employs automatic memory management, but its garbage collection mechanisms might not be as efficient as in Java. This can result in Python applications consuming more memory, which may impact performance, especially in memory-intensive applications.

Overall, Java tends to have a performance advantage over Python due to its compiled nature, efficient execution times, and robust memory management. However, it’s important to note that Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks, its simplicity and ease of use, make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications.

As illustrated in the image above, the performance comparison between Python and Java highlights the differences in execution time and memory usage. This visual representation can provide a clearer understanding of the performance variations between the two languages.

Application and Usage

When deciding between Python and Java for your programming needs, it’s essential to understand the specific domains in which each language excels. In this section, we will explore the application and usage of Python and Java, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses across various fields.

Web Development

Python and Java offer web development but differ in their approach and suitability. Python’s simplicity and readability make it popular, particularly for small—to medium-sized projects. Many frameworks, such as Django and Flask, simplify the development process. Python also has excellent data processing support and database integration, making it ideal for building dynamic websites.

On the other hand, Java is renowned for its robustness and scalability, making it a preferred language for large enterprise applications. Java’s extensive libraries and frameworks, like Spring Framework and JavaServer Faces, provide a powerful ecosystem for web development. It enables the creation of highly performant and secure web applications, especially when working with complex architectures and enterprise-level requirements.

In summary:

Python for Web DevelopmentJava for Web Development
Well-suited for small to medium-scale web projectsIdeal for large-scale enterprise web applications
Python frameworks like Django and Flask simplify developmentJava frameworks like Spring Framework and JavaServer Faces offer robust ecosystem
Excellent support for data processing and integration with databasesHighly scalable and secure, suitable for complex architectures

Data Science

Python has emerged as the de facto language for data science and machine learning due to its extensive libraries and strong community support. Python libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn provide powerful data manipulation, analysis, and modeling tools. Additionally, Python’s simple syntax and ease of use make it an attractive option for beginners entering the field of data science.

While Java may not be as commonly used in data science as Python, it still offers data processing and analysis capabilities. Java’s Hadoop and Apache Spark frameworks are widely used for big data analytics and distributed computing. If you’re proficient in Java or work in a Java-centric environment, leveraging its power in data science can offer unique advantages.

In summary:

Python for Data ScienceJava for Data Science
Extensive library ecosystem for data manipulation and machine learningHadoop and Apache Spark frameworks for big data analytics
Simpler syntax and beginner-friendlyBeneficial if already proficient in Java or working in a Java-centric environment
A strong community and extensive learning resourcesOpportunities for leveraging Java’s power in distributed computing

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Python and Java in web development and data science is crucial when deciding which language is better suited for your specific projects. Consider the requirements, scalability, and community support to make an informed choice.

Learning Curve

When learning a new programming language, the learning curve is one crucial factor to consider. In this section, we will analyze the learning curves of Python and Java and explore the key elements that can help you determine which language is easier to learn, especially for beginners.

Community Support

Python and Java have vibrant and active communities that extensively support programmers. However, Python, known for its simplicity and beginner-friendly nature, has a larger and more welcoming community. The Python community offers numerous online forums, tutorials, and resources that make it easier for beginners to seek guidance and assistance.

On the other hand, Java has a well-established community with a rich history. It offers many resources, including forums and dedicated websites, but it may not be as beginner-oriented as the Python community.

Available Learning Resources

Python and Java have many learning resources, including books, tutorials, online courses, and documentation. Due to its popularity for beginners, Python has abundant resources targeting entry-level programmers. Interactive learning platforms like Codecademy and provide comprehensive tutorials and exercises tailored for beginners.

Java, being an older and more established language, also boasts a vast array of learning resources. However, the availability of beginner-friendly material may be relatively limited compared to Python.

Simplicity of Syntax

Python is renowned for its clean and readable syntax, making it one of the easiest programming languages to learn. Its concise and intuitive syntax reduces the complexity of writing code and understanding program flow. Python’s indentation-based block structure further enhances readability, making it easier for beginners to grasp programming fundamentals.

Java, while not as straightforward as Python, follows a consistent syntax valued for its strictness and verbosity. Learning Java requires a solid understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and a more rigorous approach to syntax, which might pose a steeper learning curve for beginners.

“Python is often considered one of the best programming languages for beginners due to its simplicity and the supportive community around it. On the other hand, Java offers a more structured and rigorous learning experience that may be suitable for individuals aspiring to work on large-scale projects or enterprise applications.”

Considering these factors, Python generally has a more gentle learning curve and is often recommended for beginners. However, the choice ultimately depends on your goals, aspirations, and projects you envision yourself working on.

Community SupportActive and beginner-friendly communityWell-established community
Learning ResourcesAbundance of beginner-friendly resourcesMany resources, but relatively limited for beginners
Simplicity of SyntaxConcise and intuitive syntaxStrict and verbose syntax

Popularity and Demand

Regarding the popularity and demand of programming languages, Python and Java are two of the most widely used and sought-after languages in the job market.

Python has gained immense popularity recently thanks to its simplicity and versatility. It is widely used in various domains, such as web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The ease of learning and the availability of a vast library ecosystem add to its appeal, making Python a top choice for both beginners and experienced programmers.

“Python’s rise in popularity can be attributed to its readability, concise syntax, and its extensive use in emerging fields like data science and machine learning.”

On the other hand, Java has remained dominant in the programming world for decades. Its robust and scalable nature, Java is primarily used for building enterprise-level applications, Android app development, and backend systems. Its strong community support, well-established frameworks, and widespread usage in the industry contribute to its continued demand.

Regarding salary, both Python and Java developers are highly sought after and often command competitive compensation. The average salary for Python developers ranges from $70,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on experience and location. For Java developers, the average salary is $80,000 to $140,000 per year.

“The demand for Python and Java developers remains high, and their skills are highly valued in the job market, leading to attractive salary packages.”

Furthermore, Python and Java offer ample career growth and advancement opportunities. Organizations across various industries continue to embrace these languages for their projects, ensuring a steady demand for skilled professionals.

Demand and Salaries Comparison

  • Python has experienced significant popularity growth in recent years, fueled by its application in emerging fields such as data science and machine learning.
  • With its long-standing presence in the programming world, Java continues to be widely used and highly valued for its robustness and versatility.
  • The average salary for Python developers ranges from $70,000 to $120,000, while Java developers can expect to earn between $80,000 and $140,000 per year.
  • Regardless of the programming language you choose, both Python and Java offer promising career prospects and opportunities for growth.

Community and Support

Regarding programming languages, having a strong community and robust support systems can greatly enhance your development experience. In this section, we will explore the communities surrounding Python and Java, considering factors such as active developer participation, the availability of libraries and frameworks, and the responsiveness of online forums. Let’s dive in and see what each language has to offer!

Python Community

The Python community is known for its inclusivity, collaborative spirit, and extensive support resources. Python has a large and active user base: experienced developers, beginners, and enthusiasts. The wealth of Python libraries and frameworks, such as Django, Flask, and NumPy, greatly simplifies development tasks and accelerates project completion.

Python’s popularity has fostered a thriving ecosystem of online forums, discussion boards, and dedicated community websites. From Stack Overflow to Reddit, programmers can find answers to their queries, engage in discussions, and seek expert guidance. This vibrant community ensures that you’re never alone in your coding journey.

“The Python community has always impressed me with its warm and welcoming nature. Whenever I’ve faced a challenge, I’ve found ample support and guidance from experienced Python developers. It’s like having a virtual team of mentors!” – Jane, Python developer

Java Community

The Java community is renowned for its stability, enterprise-level development, and vast resources. Java has been around for decades and has built a large, dedicated user base of corporations, universities, and individual developers. The popularity of Java ensures a reliable network of experts who have solved similar problems and can assist you in your projects.

Java boasts an extensive collection of libraries and frameworks, including Spring, Hibernate, and Apache Struts, which facilitate the development of scalable and secure applications. These resources enable developers to accelerate their projects and focus on solving complex business problems.

Java developers find support through various channels, including official forums, Java-focused websites, and dedicated communities. These platforms provide a space for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and troubleshooting. With Java’s vast community, you’ll always find assistance when needed.

“Being a part of the Java community has been an incredible experience. The amount of expertise and knowledge-sharing that happens here is unmatched. I’ve learned so much from fellow developers, and it has greatly influenced my growth as a programmer.” – Mike, Java developer

Both Python and Java have thriving communities with active participants and abundant resources. The choice between the two languages ultimately depends on your needs and preferences.

Comparison Table – Python vs Java Community and Support

Developer ParticipationLarge and active user baseDedicated community with a long-standing presence
Libraries and FrameworksWide range of libraries and frameworks availableExtensive collection for enterprise-level development
Online Forums and CommunitiesAbundance of resources and vibrant discussion platformsOfficial forums and dedicated communities for support

Differences in Web Development

Regarding web development, Python and Java offer distinct advantages and considerations. Understanding the differences between these two programming languages will help you decide which one to choose for your web development projects.

Backend and Frontend Development

In terms of backend development, both Python and Java are popular choices. Python’s simplicity and ease of use make it a favorite among developers for building web applications quickly. It offers robust frameworks like Django and Flask, simplifying the development process and providing a wide range of features. On the other hand, Java is known for its scalability and performance. Java’s enterprise framework, Spring, and its numerous libraries make it a reliable choice for large-scale, highly complex web applications.

Python is not typically used as extensively for frontend development as Java. While Python offers frameworks like Django and Flask that can be used for frontend development, they are primarily focused on backend functionalities. On the other hand, Java has several frameworks like JavaServer Faces (JSF) and JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifically designed for front-end development.

Integration with Popular Web Frameworks

Python has a vibrant ecosystem of web frameworks that simplify and accelerate web development. Django, one of the most popular Python frameworks, provides a high-level abstraction and includes authentication, database management, and template rendering features. Flask, another widely used Python framework, offers a lightweight and flexible approach to web development. These frameworks are known for their robustness, ease of use, and extensive community support.

In contrast, Java’s web frameworks are known for their scalability and support for enterprise-grade applications. Spring MVC, a popular Java framework, follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides various functionalities for building web applications. JavaServer Faces (JSF) is another notable Java web framework that offers component-based development and seamless integration with Java EE technologies.

Performance Considerations

Performance is an important factor to consider in web development projects. Python, being an interpreted language, may have lower performance compared to Java, which is a compiled language. However, Python’s performance has significantly improved over the years, thanks to advances in interpreters like PyPy and Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation techniques.

On the other hand, Java is known for its speed and efficiency. The Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in Java allows the runtime environment to optimize code execution based on runtime data, resulting in faster performance. This makes Java suitable for high-performance web applications requiring rapid data processing and efficient resource utilization.

Backend Development✔️✔️
Frontend Development✔️
Popular Web FrameworksDjango, FlaskSpring MVC, JSF
PerformanceImproved over the yearsEfficient, Just-In-Time Compilation

Choosing Python and Java for web development depends on your specific project requirements and preferences. Python is favored for its simplicity, versatility, and rapid development capabilities, making it ideal for small to medium-sized web applications. On the other hand, Java offers scalability, enterprise-grade frameworks, and excellent performance, making it a strong contender for large-scale web applications.

Differences in Data Science

Both Python and Java have strengths and capabilities in data science. Let’s explore how they compare data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning.

Data Manipulation

Python is widely regarded as the go-to language for data manipulation. It offers powerful libraries like Pandas and NumPy, which provide extensive functionality for working with structured data. Python’s simple syntax and intuitive data structures make cleaning, transforming, and organizing large datasets easy.

On the other hand, Java has a more limited set of data manipulation libraries. While it can handle basic data processing tasks, it may require more coding and external libraries to achieve the same efficiency and functionality as Python.

Data Analysis

Python’s extensive ecosystem of libraries, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, makes it a popular choice for data analysis. These libraries offer powerful visualization capabilities, statistical analysis tools, and data exploration functionalities. With Python, you can easily generate insightful visualizations and perform complex statistical analysis on your data.

On the other hand, Java has fewer dedicated data analysis libraries. It typically relies on external tools like Apache Spark or Apache Flink to perform distributed data processing and analysis. While Java can handle large-scale data analysis tasks, it may involve more setup and configuration than Python.

Machine Learning

Python is considered the dominant language for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Its ecosystem boasts popular libraries such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and PyTorch, which offer various algorithms and models for machine learning tasks. Python’s simplicity and extensive community support make it easier for beginners to start with machine learning.

While Java also has machine learning libraries like Deeplearning4j and DL4J, it is not as widely used in the machine learning community as Python. Java’s strong suit lies in its ability to handle large-scale, enterprise-level machine learning applications, where performance and scalability are paramount.


Python is the preferred language for data science due to its extensive ecosystem of libraries, ease of use, and broad community support. It excels in data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning tasks. On the other hand, Java is better suited for enterprise-level applications that require scalability and high performance, especially in big data processing.

Now that we have explored the differences between Python and Java in the context of data science, you can make a more informed decision about which language to choose for your data-centric projects.

Data ManipulationExtensive libraries like Pandas and NumPy for efficient data manipulation.Relatively limited libraries for data manipulation.
Data AnalysisRich ecosystem of libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization and statistical analysis.Less dedicated libraries for data analysis.
Machine LearningDominant language for machine learning with libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow.Strong in large-scale machine learning applications but less widely used in the machine learning community.

Comparison Wrap-up

Throughout this article, we have explored the key differences between Python and Java, two popular programming languages. Let’s summarize the major points discussed to comprehensively understand these languages and help you make an informed decision.

Syntax Comparison

Python’s syntax is more concise and readable than Java’s. Python code is often shorter and easier to understand, making it an excellent choice for rapid prototyping and scripting. On the other hand, Java follows a strict syntax with a strong emphasis on object-oriented programming principles.

Speed and Performance

Java is known for its speed and performance. It is a compiled language, which means that Java code is converted into bytecode that can be directly executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Python, being an interpreted language, generally has a slower execution speed. However, Python offers extensive libraries and frameworks that optimize performance for specific use cases.

Application and Usage

Python is widely used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing, and automation tasks. It provides a rich library and framework ecosystem, making it a go-to language for these domains. On the other hand, Java is often used for enterprise-level development, Android app development, and server-side applications.

Learning Curve

Python’s relatively gentle learning curve makes it an excellent choice for beginners. Its simplified syntax and readability allow new programmers to grasp concepts quickly and start building applications. With its stricter syntax and object-oriented nature, Java may have a steeper learning curve for beginners.

Popularity and Demand

Both Python and Java enjoy immense popularity and demand in the job market. Python’s popularity has surged recently due to its versatility in various domains, including data science and machine learning. With its long-standing presence, Java continues to be the language of choice for many businesses and enterprises.

Community and Support

Both Python and Java have vibrant communities and excellent support systems. Python’s community is known for its inclusivity and extensive documentation. Java benefits from a robust enterprise community and many developer resources.

Differences in Web Development

Python’s simplicity and extensive libraries make it ideal for web development. Frameworks like Django and Flask offer powerful tools for building scalable web applications. With frameworks like Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java is often preferred for enterprise-level web development.

Differences in Data Science

Python has emerged as a leading language for data science and machine learning due to its rich ecosystem of libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and TensorFlow. While capable of data analysis, Java may require additional libraries and tools to match Python’s versatility in this domain.

Comparison Wrap-up

In summary, Python and Java have distinct strengths and weaknesses. Python’s simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries make it an excellent choice for beginners, web developers, and data scientists. Java’s performance, strict syntax, and widespread usage in enterprise environments make it suitable for large-scale applications and Android development.

Ultimately, the choice between Python and Java depends on your requirements, project scope, and personal preferences. To make an informed decision, consider the application domain, resources available, learning curve, and job market demand.

Both languages offer powerful capabilities and a solid foundation for building robust software solutions. Choose the language that best aligns with your goals, and enjoy the programming journey!

Concise and readable syntaxStrict and object-oriented syntax
Slower execution speedFast execution speed
Web development, data analysis, machine learningEnterprise development, Android app development
Relatively gentle learning curveSteeper learning curve
Surging popularity in data scienceLong-standing popularity in enterprise domains


After examining the key differences between Python and Java, it is clear that both programming languages have their strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different purposes.

If you are a beginner or looking to get started with programming, Python may be the ideal choice. With its simple syntax and extensive community support, Python provides a gentle learning curve for newcomers. Its versatility and wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence, make it a popular choice among beginners.

On the other hand, Java offers great performance and reliability, making it a preferred language for large-scale enterprise applications. Its strong object-oriented programming principles and static typing system make it suitable for building robust and scalable software solutions. If you have experience in other programming languages and are aiming for a career in software development, learning Java can open up a world of opportunities.

In conclusion, choosing Python and Java depends on your needs and career goals. If you are a beginner or interested in data analysis, web development, or machine learning, Python may be the right language for you. However, if you want to build enterprise-level applications or have a strong background in programming, Java may be the better choice. Ultimately, both languages have their merits, and choosing the right one will greatly depend on your interests and aspirations.


What are the key differences between Python and Java?

Python and Java have different syntax, speed, application domains, and learning curves. Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it suitable for beginners and rapid development. On the other hand, Java is preferred for its performance, scalability, and widespread use in enterprise applications.

What is the difference in syntax between Python and Java?

Python’s syntax is more concise and expressive than Java’s. Python uses indentation to indicate code blocks and has dynamic typing, while Java uses braces to define code blocks and has static typing. Python also allows for shorter and more readable code.

How do Python and Java differ in terms of speed and performance?

Java generally performs better than Python in terms of speed and performance. Java programs are compiled and optimized before execution, while Python programs are interpreted at runtime. This compilation step in Java contributes to its faster execution time, especially for computationally intensive tasks.

In which application domains are Python and Java commonly used?

Python is widely used in web development, data science, machine learning, scientific computing, and scripting. Java is often employed in enterprise development, Android app development, Big Data processing, and building robust and scalable systems.

Is it easier to learn Java or Python?

Python is often considered easier to learn than Java. Python has a simpler syntax and provides more flexibility in terms of coding style. Additionally, Python has a supportive community and numerous learning resources, making it a popular choice for beginners.

Which language, Python or Java, is more popular and in demand?

Python and Java are popular languages in the industry but are often used in different domains. Python has gained significant popularity recently due to its versatility and use in data science and web development. On the other hand, Java has a long-standing presence in enterprise applications and Android development.

What is the community and support system for Python and Java?

Both Python and Java have active developer communities and robust support systems. Python’s vibrant and diverse community offers a wide range of libraries and frameworks to enhance development. As a mature language, Java has a large developer community with extensive resources and well-documented frameworks.

What are the differences between Python and Java in web development?

Python is often preferred for web development due to its simplicity and rapid development capabilities. It excels in frameworks like Django and Flask. On the other hand, Java is often used for larger-scale enterprise web applications and provides a reliable and scalable platform with frameworks such as Spring and Java EE.

How do Python and Java compare in the field of data science?

Python is widely used in data science due to its extensive libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn. It offers a rich data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning ecosystem. Java also has libraries and frameworks for data science but is not as commonly used as Python.

What are the key takeaways from the comparison of Python and Java?

Python and Java have distinct differences in syntax, performance, application domains, and learning curves. Python is often chosen for its simplicity, readability, and suitability for beginners, while Java is preferred for its performance, scalability, and widespread enterprise adoption. The choice between the two depends on individual requirements and project needs.

Should I learn Java or Python as a beginner?

Python is generally recommended as a first programming language for beginners due to its simplicity and readable syntax. It allows beginners to focus on learning programming concepts without getting bogged down by complex language rules. While more powerful and widely used, Java has a steeper learning curve and may be better suited for individuals with some programming experience.


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