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coding interview questions

by | Mar 31, 2024

Must-know Coding Interview Questions for Experienced Developers

Did you know that coding interview questions are an integral part of the hiring process for experienced developers? Whether applying for a software engineering role at a tech giant or a startup, preparing for coding interview questions is crucial to landing your dream job.

This article will explore the top 40 coding interview questions that every experienced developer should know. These questions cover various programming topics and concepts, testing your knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being familiar with coding interview questions is essential for experienced developers.
  • Preparing for coding interview questions can significantly increase your chances of success.
  • Understanding fundamental programming concepts is crucial for answering coding interview questions.
  • Practice coding problems and review important topics to boost your confidence in coding interviews.
  • Approach each coding interview question with a calm and confident mindset.

Conceptual Interview Questions

This section will focus on conceptual coding interview questions that assess a candidate’s understanding of fundamental programming concepts. These questions evaluate the candidate’s grasp of key concepts such as data structures, object-oriented programming, and recursion.

Data Structures

Data structures are crucial in programming, enabling efficient data manipulation and storage. Coding interview questions about data structures assess a candidate’s knowledge of arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. These questions may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of how data structures work and how they can solve specific problems.


Recursion is a powerful programming technique that involves solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller, self-referential instances. Conceptual coding interview questions on recursion evaluate a candidate’s ability to effectively understand and implement recursive algorithms. Candidates may be asked to write recursive functions or explain the process of recursive problem-solving.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that creates objects that encapsulate data and methods. Coding interview questions related to OOP examine a candidate’s knowledge of the principles of OOP, such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Candidates may be required to design class hierarchies or explain concepts like abstraction and encapsulation.

Binary Search Trees

Binary search trees (BSTs) are hierarchical data structures comprising nodes containing a value and two child nodes. These structures enable efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations. Coding interview questions on BSTs assess a candidate’s understanding of BST properties and operations. Candidates may be asked to perform operations on BSTs, such as insertion, deletion, or searching for values.

Data StructuresAssess a candidate’s knowledge of arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues.
RecursionEvaluate a candidate’s ability to understand and implement recursive algorithms.
Object-Oriented ProgrammingExamine a candidate’s understanding of principles and concepts in OOP.
Binary Search TreesAssess a candidate’s understanding of BST properties and operations.

Don’t forget to check out our next section: Programming Interview Questions!

Programming Interview Questions

The next set of coding interview questions tests the candidates’ programming expertise and delves into various related aspects. These questions cover a wide range of topics to assess the candidate’s proficiency in programming.

  • String Manipulation: Questions in this category evaluate the candidate’s ability to manipulate strings. They may involve reversing a string, finding its length, or checking if a given string is a palindrome.
  • Array Manipulation: These questions assess the candidate’s skills in working with arrays. They may include tasks like finding the maximum element in an array, sorting an array in ascending order, or removing duplicates from an array.
  • Palindrome Detection: These questions focus on determining whether a given string or number is a palindrome. Candidates may be asked to write code to check if a word, phrase, or number reads the same forwards and backward.
  • Searching Algorithms: Questions in this category test the candidate’s knowledge of search algorithms, such as linear search and binary search. They may involve finding the index of a specific element in an array or performing a search operation on a sorted array.

By assessing the candidate’s performance in these programming interview questions, recruiters can gauge their programming expertise and problem-solving skills. Candidates need to have a solid understanding of these concepts and be able to apply them effectively in coding tests and interviews.

Whiteboard Challenges

A whiteboard challenge is an essential component of a coding interview. It involves solving a real-time coding problem while standing before the interviewer. The challenge assesses your ability to write code, your problem-solving skills, and your ability to communicate your thought process.

During a whiteboard challenge, you will be presented with a problem statement and asked to devise an optimal solution using your coding skills. Demonstrating your problem-solving process by verbalizing your thoughts and explaining the steps you take to arrive at a solution is crucial.

Practicing whiteboard challenges can significantly improve your performance in coding interviews. By honing your problem-solving skills and getting comfortable with explaining your thought process, you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of success.

Tips for Tackling Whiteboard Challenges:

  • Understand the problem thoroughly before attempting to solve it.
  • Break down the problem into smaller, manageable components.
  • Consider different approaches and choose the most efficient one.
  • Start coding gradually, explaining each step along the way.
  • Test your code with different scenarios and edge cases.
  • Iterate, refine and optimize your solution if possible.
  • Ask for clarification or guidance if needed.
  • Stay calm and composed throughout the process.

Remember, the interviewer is looking for a correct solution and assessing your problem-solving process and approach to the problem. You can ace coding interviews and impress potential employers by practicing whiteboard challenges and mastering the art of explaining your thought process.

Continue reading to explore independent coding tests and learn how they can further enhance your coding skills.

Independent Coding Tests

An independent coding test is valuable for assessing a candidate’s coding skills and problem-solving abilities within a specific time frame. These tests are commonly conducted online, providing candidates with a realistic simulation of interview conditions. During the test, candidates must write and execute code without an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or compiler.

Independent coding tests are a reliable measure of a candidate’s coding skills, allowing employers to independently assess their ability to solve coding problems. Employers can gain insights into their coding acumen, logical thinking, and attention to detail by evaluating a candidate’s performance in these tests.

These tests typically consist of coding problems that assess various aspects of a candidate’s programming knowledge and problem-solving capabilities. Candidates must write efficient and effective code solutions for these problems within the given time frame.

Participating in independent coding tests can be a valuable opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their coding prowess and differentiate themselves from other applicants. By thoroughly preparing for these tests, candidates can enhance their coding skills and increase their chances of success in coding interviews.

Practice is key to success in independent coding tests. By regularly practicing coding problems and honing their coding skills, candidates can sharpen their problem-solving abilities and become more comfortable with coding outside an IDE or compiler environment.

Benefits of Independent Coding Tests:

  • Assess a candidate’s coding skills assessment.
  • Evaluate problem-solving abilities
  • Emulate real interview conditions
  • Showcase independent coding ability
  • Enhance coding skills through practice

Preparing for independent coding tests involves regularly practicing coding problems, reviewing coding concepts, and simulating interview conditions. By dedicating time and effort to improving coding skills, candidates can excel in independent coding tests and increase their chances of securing their desired job opportunities.

Example Independent Coding Test Problem:

Given a list of numbers, write a function that returns the maximum number from the list.

[1, 5, 2, 8, 3]8
[9, 4, 6, 1, 7]9

General Coding Interview Questions

In addition to the technical programming questions, coding interviews often include general questions to assess a candidate’s suitability for the role. These questions delve into the candidate’s experience, technical knowledge, and problem-solving skills, providing a holistic view of their capabilities.

Behavioral interview questions are commonly asked to evaluate how candidates have handled various situations and assess their compatibility with the company culture. Interviewers may ask about teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills.

Technical knowledge questions gauge the candidate’s understanding of programming concepts, algorithms, and data structures. The interviewer may assess the candidate’s familiarly with programming languages, frameworks, and industry practices.

Here are some common areas that general coding interview questions encompass:

  • Programming languages: Questions related to the candidate’s programming language preferences, expertise, and ability to learn new languages quickly.
  • Past projects: Inquiries about the candidate’s previous projects, roles and responsibilities, challenges faced, and the strategies employed to overcome those challenges.
  • Collaboration skills: Questions that assess the candidate’s experience working with non-technical team members, such as project managers and business stakeholders.
  • Keeping skills up to date: Inquiries about how the candidate stays updated with the latest industry trends, new technologies, and best coding practices.

By including these general coding interview questions, recruiters can gain insights into candidates’ soft skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall compatibility with the organization. This allows for a more comprehensive evaluation and helps identify candidates who possess technical knowledge and the necessary skills to thrive in a collaborative work environment.

“It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well.” – René Descartes

Now, let’s take a look at the comprehensive table below that summarizes the different types of coding interview questions:

Coding Interview Question TypeDescription
Conceptual Interview QuestionsThese questions test the candidate’s understanding of fundamental programming concepts and data structures.
These challenges assess how candidates approach and solve coding problems in real-time using a whiteboard or code editor.These questions examine the candidate’s ability to write efficient code and solve programming problems.
Whiteboard ChallengesThese tests evaluate candidates’ coding skills by giving them time to complete coding challenges.
Independent Coding TestsThese challenges assess how candidates approach and solve coding problems in real time using a whiteboard or code editor.
General Coding Interview QuestionsThese questions assess the candidate’s experience, technical knowledge, and problem-solving skills beyond programming-specific topics.
Data Structure Interview QuestionsThese questions probe the candidate’s knowledge of common data structures and their implementation.

Now that we have covered the general coding interview questions, let’s move on to data structure questions in the next section.

Data Structure Interview Questions

In coding interviews, knowledge of data structures is crucial. Interviewers often test candidates’ understanding of basic data structures like arrays, linked lists, trees, and graphs. Here are some common data structure interview questions that you may encounter:

  1. What is a data structure? This question tests your understanding of the concept. Be prepared to define and explain how data structures are used in programming.
  2. How would you implement an array in your preferred programming language? – This question assesses your knowledge of array implementation. Discuss how arrays store and access elements and explain any performance considerations.
  3. Explain the concept of a linked list. – This question evaluates your understanding of linked lists. Describe how linked lists are different from arrays, their advantages and disadvantages, and various types of linked lists.
  4. How would you perform operations on a binary tree? – This question tests your knowledge of binary trees and their operations. Discuss insertion, deletion, traversal, and searching methods in a binary tree.
  5. What is a graph, and how would you represent it? – This question examines your understanding of graphs. Explain the concept of a graph, its components, and different representations, such as adjacency matrix and list.
  6. Describe different types of sorting algorithms. This question assesses your knowledge of sorting algorithms. Discuss various sorting techniques, such as bubble sort, merge sort, insertion sort, and quick sort, as well as their time complexities.

These are just a few examples of data structure interview questions. It’s essential to have a solid understanding of these concepts and be able to apply them to solve problems effectively. Practice coding exercises and review the implementation and manipulation of data structures to enhance your skills.

Example Question:

Implement a stack using an array in your preferred programming language.

Answer: class Stack { constructor() { this.stack = []; } push(item) { this.stack.push(item); } pop() { if (this.isEmpty()) { throw new Error("Stack is empty"); } return this.stack.pop(); } isEmpty() { return this.stack.length === 0; } peek() { if (this.isEmpty()) { throw new Error("Stack is empty"); } return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } }

Implementing a stack using an array involves using the built-in array methods to add and remove elements from the top of the stack. The push() method adds an item to the top of the stack while the pop() method removes the top item. The isEmpty() method checks if the stack is empty and the peek() method returns the top item without removing it. By utilizing these array methods, we can mimic the behavior of a stack in our preferred programming structure interview questions

Coding Interview Tips

To succeed in a coding interview, it is important to be well-prepared. Here are some valuable tips and strategies for coding interview preparation:

  1. Practice coding problems: Regularly solve coding problems to enhance your problem-solving skills and become familiar with common algorithms and data structures. Websites like LeetCode and HackerRank offer a wide range of coding challenges.
  2. Review important concepts: Brush up on essential programming concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and design patterns. Understanding these concepts will enable you to solve complex coding problems with ease.
  3. Time yourself: Mock interviews with a time limit to simulate the pressure of a real coding interview. Time management is crucial, so practice solving problems within time constraints.
  4. Think of edge cases: When solving coding problems, consider different scenarios and test cases. Thinking beyond the typical test cases will help you identify pitfalls and debug your code effectively.
  5. Explain your solutions to others: Practice articulating your thought process and explaining your solutions to others. This will enhance your communication skills and ensure you can effectively convey your problem-solving approach during the interview.

By following these coding interview tips and dedicating ample time to practice and preparation, you can confidently tackle any coding interview and increase your chances of securing your dream job.

Sample Coding Interview Questions

Preparing for a coding interview can be daunting, but practicing with sample coding interview questions can help you build confidence and improve your problem-solving skills. This section provides a collection of diverse coding challenges covering various topics, including string manipulation, array manipulation, recursion, searching algorithms, and linked lists. Solving these sample questions can give you hands-on experience and strengthen your understanding of fundamental programming concepts.

These sample coding interview questions serve as practice problems that simulate the challenges you may encounter during an interview. By tackling these problems, you can sharpen your coding skills and enhance your ability to think critically and efficiently under pressure.

Example coding interview question:

Given a string, write a function to determine if it is a palindrome.


  1. Initialize two pointers, one at the beginning and one at the end of the string.
  2. Compare the characters at the two pointers.
  3. If they are equal, move the pointers inward.
  4. If they are not equal, return false.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the pointers meet at the center of the string or cross each other.
  6. If the pointers cross each other, the string is a palindrome.

By practicing with sample coding interview questions like the one above, you can familiarize yourself with common problem-solving approaches and improve your ability to devise efficient and elegant solutions. Remember, interview practice is essential for success, so challenge yourself with various coding problems and simulate interview conditions as closely as possible. Good luck!

Overview of Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms are an essential topic for coding interviews. This section will overview popular sorting algorithms commonly used during interviews. Understanding these algorithms is key to writing efficient and optimized code.

Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple and commonly used sorting algorithm. It repeatedly iterates through the list, comparing adjacent elements and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. This process continues until the list is sorted. Bubble sort has a worst-case and average time complexity of O(n^2).

Merge Sort

Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that divides the unsorted list into smaller sublists, recursively sorts them, and then merges them to produce a sorted list. Merge sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) in all cases. It is known for its stability and is preferred for sorting large data sets.

Insertion Sort

Insertion sort works by building a sorted portion of the list and repeatedly inserting the next element into this portion in its correct position. This process continues until the entire list is sorted. Insertion sort has an average and worst-case time complexity of O(n^2) but performs well for small and partially sorted lists.

Quick Sort

Quick sort is a popular divide-and-conquer algorithm. It selects a pivot element and partitions the list into two smaller sublists – one with elements smaller than the pivot and one with elements larger. The algorithm then recursively sorts the sublists. Quick sort has an average-case time complexity of O(n log n) and is widely used due to its practice efficiency.

Radix Sort

Radix sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that sorts data by grouping elements by individual digits or a range of digits. It iteratively sorts the elements based on the least significant digit to the most significant digit. Radix sort has a time complexity of O(d*n), where d is the maximum number of digits in the input data and n is the number of elements to be sorted.

AlgorithmTime ComplexitySpace ComplexityStability
Bubble SortO(n^2)O(1)Stable
Merge SortO(n log n)O(n)Stable
Insertion SortO(n^2)O(1)Stable
Quick SortO(n log n)O(log n)Not Stable
Radix SortO(d*n)O(n)Stable

Understanding the characteristics and time complexities of these sorting algorithms is important to choosing the appropriate one for a given scenario. Knowing these algorithms can help you optimize your code and demonstrate your problem-solving skills during coding interviews.


In conclusion, coding interview questions play a crucial role in assessing the skills and knowledge of experienced developers. These questions evaluate candidates’ programming abilities and understanding of fundamental concepts. To increase their chances of success in coding interviews, applicants should focus on practicing coding problems and reviewing important topics.

Being well-prepared is key to achieving success in coding interviews. Candidates should remain calm and approach each question with confidence. By dedicating time to practice, applicants can sharpen their problem-solving skills and gain the necessary expertise to excel in coding interviews.

Remember, tips for coding interviews include timing oneself, thinking of edge cases, and explaining solutions clearly. In a coding interview, it is essential to demonstrate technical proficiency and effective communication and collaboration skills. With thorough preparation and a positive mindset, aspiring developers can navigate coding interviews successfully and secure their dream jobs.


What are coding interview questions?

Coding interview questions are asked during a job interview to assess a candidate’s programming skills and knowledge of fundamental concepts.

What are conceptual interview questions?

Conceptual interview questions are coding questions that test the candidate’s understanding of fundamental concepts in data structures, recursion, object-oriented programming, and binary search trees.

What are programming interview questions?

Programming interview questions assess the candidate’s programming expertise and cover topics like string manipulation, array manipulation, palindrome detection, and searching algorithms.

What are whiteboard challenges?

Whiteboard challenges are coding challenges given during a live interview where the candidate must solve a problem on a whiteboard and explain their thought process.

What are independent coding tests?

Independent coding tests assess the candidate’s ability to code and solve problems within a given time frame. They are typically conducted online without the aid of an IDE or compiler.

What are general coding interview questions?

General coding interview questions cover topics like programming languages, past projects, collaboration with non-technical team members, and keeping skills up to date.

What are data structure interview questions?

Data structure interview questions test the candidate’s knowledge of basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, and graphs, including their implementation and manipulation.

What are some coding interview tips?

Some coding interview tips include practicing coding problems, reviewing concepts, timing yourself, thinking of edge cases, and explaining your solutions to others.

What are sample coding interview questions?

Sample coding interview questions are practice problems covering a wide range of topics, such as string manipulation, array manipulation, recursion, searching algorithms, and linked lists.

What are sorting algorithms?

Sorting algorithms are methods used to arrange elements in a specific order. Popular sorting algorithms include bubble sort, merge sort, insertion sort, quick sort, and radix sort.


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