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Top 10 Javascript Interview Questions

JavaScript is key in web development today. Knowing its core concepts is a must for web developers. This article will give you the top 10 JavaScript interview questions to help you nail your next job interview. This ensures you are ready to impress your potential employers.

javascript coding interview questions

Why JavaScript is Essential for Web Development

JavaScript is essential for web development because it brings websites to life. It allows developers to create interactive features like buttons, sliders, and forms that respond instantly to user actions, making the web experience smooth and engaging. Without JavaScript, websites would be static and less dynamic, unable to offer the real-time interactions that users expect today.

Additionally, JavaScript is versatile and widely supported across all browsers, making it a go-to language for web development. It’s not only used for front-end development but also for back-end services with tools like Node.js, allowing developers to use a single language for the entire web stack. This versatility and ease of use make JavaScript a crucial skill for anyone looking to build modern, responsive websites.

Top Interview Questions

Below are the interview questions related to Javascript:

  1. What is the Difference Between let, const, and var?

For JavaScript coding interview questions, knowing the differences between let, const, and var is key. These keywords are vital for managing variables in JavaScript. They affect how variables work and how your code stays efficient and easy to understand.

The var keyword is the old way to declare variables in JavaScript. It means a variable can be used anywhere in the function it’s in or everywhere if it’s outside a function. This can cause problems, especially in loops and nested code blocks.

The let keyword came with ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). It gives a variable its own block scope. This means a let-declared variable can only be used where it’s defined. This helps avoid name clashes and makes your code better to work with.

The const keyword is also from ES6 and is for declaring constants. const variables cannot be changed once set, and they must be given a value right away. This makes your code safer and helps avoid mistakes from changing variables by mistake.

  1. What are the Concepts of Hoisting and Closures? 

Two key concepts in JavaScript are vital for developers: hoisting and closures. These features affect how JavaScript runs and manages variables and functions.

Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript

Hoisting moves variables and function declarations to the top of their scope before running the code. This lets you use them before declaring them. But remember, only declarations are moved, not the initial values.

Closures and Their Practical Applications

Closures are functions that keep track of variables from outside functions, even after those functions end. They help keep data private and make code more modular.

Closures are useful for many things, like:

  • Creating private variables and methods
  • Keeping data safe and hidden
  • Writing code that’s easy to reuse
  • Currying and partial function application
  • Memoization and caching
  1. What is the ‘this’ Keyword in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the ‘this’ keyword is a concept that can confuse many developers. Knowing how ‘this’ works is key to writing clear and reliable JavaScript code.

The this keyword refers to the object that is currently executing the function. Its value depends on how and where the function is called. For instance, when used inside a method of an object, this refers to that object. However, in a regular function or in the global context, this refers to the global object (or undefined in strict mode).

Understanding how this binds in different scenarios, such as in methods, constructors, and arrow functions, is crucial for writing clear and reliable JavaScript code.

  1. What is the Difference Between Null and Undefined?

In JavaScript, knowing the difference between null and undefined is needed for writing strong, error-free code. These values are often mixed up, leading to problems that can affect your app’s performance and stability.

Null represents a value that is intentionally set to “blank,” whereas undefined signifies that a value has not been assigned. While null and undefined are loosely equal, they are not strictly equal.

Represents the intentional absence of any object valueRepresents the absence of a value or a variable that has been declared but not assigned a value
Is a specific, assigned valueIs a default value for uninitialized variables, function parameters, and object properties
Can be assigned to a variable to indicate that it has no valueIs a default value for uninitialized variables, function parameters, and object properties
It can be used to clear the value of a variableIt cannot be explicitly set; JavaScript automatically assigns it
  1. What is the Event Loop in JavaScript?

The event loop is a core concept in JavaScript that helps the language handle multiple tasks without getting stuck. Even though JavaScript can only do one thing at a time (because it’s single-threaded), it often needs to manage several operations, like responding to user clicks or handling data from a server. The event loop is what allows JavaScript to manage these tasks without blocking other parts of your code from running.

Here’s a simple way to think about it: when you call a function, it goes into a stack of tasks that need to be done. If the function includes something that takes time, like waiting for data, JavaScript sends that task to the browser to handle. Once the task is finished, the browser tells JavaScript to add it back to the queue of things to do. The event loop keeps an eye on this process, moving tasks from the queue back into the stack when the stack is empty. This system helps JavaScript keep running smoothly, even when handling many tasks at once.

Knowing about the event loop is vital to do well in javaScript coding interview questions and getting good at the language.

  1. What do you mean by Asynchronous Programming and Callbacks?

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript allows the code to run non-blocking operations, meaning that while one task is waiting for something to happen (like fetching data from a server), the rest of the code can keep running. This is crucial for creating smooth, efficient applications, especially in situations where certain tasks take longer to complete.

Callbacks are a key part of this process. A callback is a function passed into another function to be executed once an asynchronous operation is completed.

For example, when you make an API call to retrieve data, instead of waiting for the response and freezing the rest of your code, JavaScript will continue running other tasks. Once the data is retrieved, the callback function is executed to handle the response. The event loop ensures these callbacks don’t block the rest of your program, enabling JavaScript to remain responsive and efficient.

  1. How to Implement Array Methods like Map, Filter, and Reduce?

As a JavaScript developer, learning array methods is important.

Array methods like map, filter, and reduce are powerful tools in JavaScript that help you manage and manipulate data efficiently. These methods are essential for developers to master, as they simplify working with arrays and are commonly tested in JavaScript interviews.

  • Map: The map method creates a new array by applying a function to each element of the original array. It’s useful for transforming data.
  • Filter: The filter method creates a new array with only the elements that pass a certain condition. It’s ideal for selecting specific data from a larger set.
  • Reduce: The reduce method combines all elements of an array into a single value based on a function. It’s often used for summing numbers, concatenating strings, or flattening arrays.

Mastering these methods not only makes your code more concise and readable but also demonstrates your ability to solve complex problems efficiently, which is crucial for acing JavaScript coding interviews.

  1. What is the Spread and Rest Operator in JavaScript?

As a candidate, it is essential for you to know about the spread and rest operators.

The spread and rest operators, both introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), are powerful tools that make coding more flexible and efficient.

Spread Operator (...): The spread operator allows you to spread the elements of an iterable (like an array or object) into individual elements. It’s commonly used for copying arrays, combining arrays, or passing multiple elements as arguments to a function. For example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
const newNumbers = [...numbers, 4, 5]; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Here, the spread operator takes each element of the numbers array and spreads them into the new array.

Rest Operator (...): The rest operator also uses the three-dot syntax but works differently. It’s used in function parameters to collect all remaining arguments into an array. This is helpful when you want a function to accept an arbitrary number of arguments. For example:

function sum(...args) {
  return args.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)); // 10

In this case, the rest operator collects all the arguments passed to sum into the args array, which can then be processed.

  1. What do you mean by Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript?

JavaScript uses a special way to share traits between objects called prototypal inheritance, which is different from other languages. Knowing how it works is important for JavaScript developers. We’ll look into how objects get their traits and how they use the prototype chain.

Understanding the Prototype Chain

This prototype acts as a blueprint, giving the object default traits and actions. When a new object is made, it gets the traits of its prototype, allowing it to use those traits as its own.

The prototype chain is the line of prototypes an object checks when it looks for a trait or method. If an object cannot find something, it keeps looking up the chain.  

Understanding prototypal inheritance helps you ace JavaScript coding interview questions. It also makes your JavaScript code better, more efficient, and easier to maintain.

  1.  How to Handle Asynchronous Code in JavaScript?

JavaScript lets developers run tasks at the same time. This stops the main thread from freezing and keeps the user experience smooth. To get good at this, JavaScript pros need to learn about callbacks, Promises, and the async/await syntax.

How SkillReactor Helps in Acing JavaScript  Interview Questions 

SkillReactor helps become job-ready by providing a comprehensive learning experience that aligns with the skills and knowledge needed in the industry. This means you will also be prepared for the knowledge commonly tested in technical interviews. Here’s how SkillReactor helps you succeed:

1. Real-World Coding Experience

SkillReactor enables learners to build real-world projects using technologies like JavaScript, helping them hone problem-solving skills and think algorithmically – both crucial for technical interviews. The platform offers a variety of practice projects and real-world portfolio projects to gain practical experience. For those needing to strengthen their foundational knowledge, interactive courses in JavaScript, Python, and other technologies are available. Since many interview questions are based on real-world scenarios, this hands-on experience equips you with the confidence to tackle them effectively.

2. Verified Skills Portfolio

The projects you complete on SkillReactor using JavaScript and other technologies are automatically added to your Verified SkillReactor Portfolio, demonstrating your skills to potential employers. The proof of your experience and verification by SkillReactor definitely makes an impact and helps you stand out from other candidates. You can also refer to those projects during interviews to illustrate your problem-solving abilities and technical expertise.


This article has covered the key javaScript coding interview questions to help you ace your next interview. Now, you know more about JavaScript’s core and how to use it in real situations and with a solid grasp of these topics, you’ll be well-equipped to impress interviewers and advance your career in web development.


  1. What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. Netscape originally developed it to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites, and it has since become one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.

  1. How can you implement array methods like map, filter, and reduce in JavaScript?

Use map, filter, and reduce to change and work with arrays. You can use a for loop or higher-order functions to apply these methods. These skills are important for JavaScript developers.

  1. What is the future of JavaScript?

JavaScript’s future is bright, with continuous enhancements to the language itself, growing adoption of TypeScript, and new possibilities opened by WebAssembly and AI/ML integration. As the web evolves and new technologies emerge, JavaScript will continue to be a critical player in shaping the digital landscape.


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