Differences and Similarities between XML and JSON

Let's compare XML and JSON and find the differences and similarities between them,

Differences between XML and JSON

Data StructureXML uses a tag-based hierarchical structure with opening and closing tags. <person> <name>John</name> <age>25</age> </person> JSON uses a key-value pair structure and supports arrays where objects are defined with curly braces {}, and arrays are defined with square brackets []. { "person": { "name": "John", "age": 25 } }
ReadabilityXML is more verbose due to the use of tags and attributes, making it more human-readable.JSON is concise and often easier to read and write for humans due to its minimal syntax.
Attribute HandlingIn XML, Attributes are specified within tags.In JSON, all data is represented as key-value pairs; there is no concept of attributes.
Namespace SupportXML supports namespacesJSON does not have built-in support for namespaces.
ParsingXML requires parsing using the DOMParser or other XML parsing libraries.JSON can be easily parsed using built-in methods like JSON.parse().
Use CasesXML is mostly used for documents with a hierarchical structure, such as configuration files and data interchange between systems. Commonly used in web services.JSON is mostly used in Web APIs, Client-Server data sharing, and configuration files.

Similarities between XML and JSON

Both XML and JSON have some common properties,

  • Data Representation: Both XML and JSON are used to represent and exchange structured data.
  • Human-Readable: Both XML and JSON are human-readable and can be easily understood by developers.
  • Support for Arrays: Both XML and JSON support arrays, allowing the representation of lists of items.
  • Interoperability: Both XML and JSON are widely supported and used in a number of programming languages.