Write an Item to a DynamoDB Table

Once your table is set up, you can start adding items to it. Each item represents a unique entry in your table. You'll define an item using a JSON-like structure, specifying keys and their associated values. Here’s an example in both Node.js and Python:


const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();  
const table = 'UserTable';  
const userID = 'user_001';  
const userName = 'John Doe';  
const params = {  
TableName: table,  
    Item: {  
       'UserID': userID,  
       'UserName': userName  
docClient.put(params, function(err, data) {  
if (err) console.error('Error', err);  
    else  console.log('Item Added', data);  

This Node.js snippet initializes a DynamoDB DocumentClient, creates an item with a user ID and name, and then uses the put method to add the item to the 'UserTable'.


table = dynamodb.Table('UserTable')  
response = table.put_item(  
       'UserID': 'user_001',  
       'UserName': 'John Doe'  
print("PutItem succeeded:", response)

The Python code snippet uses Boto3 to reference the 'UserTable', creates an item, and adds it to the table with the put_item method, then prints the success response.