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2 Variables Data Types

2 Init Declare

Variable Declaration and Initialization

Variable declaration and initialization are two distinct concepts in programming:

Variable Declaration:

  • Variable declaration refers to the act of introducing a new variable to the program.
  • It informs the compiler or interpreter about the existence of a variable and reserves memory space for it.

Example: In this example, we are introducing a new variable, but it's important to note that we're not assigning any value to it at this point.

var age;


  • Initialization refers to the act of assigning a value to a declared variable.
  • It assigns an initial value to the variable, making it ready for use in the program.

Example: In this example, we are both declaring a variable and assigning it a value.

var age = 10;

In many programming languages, you can combine variable declaration and initialization in a single statement, but it's important to understand the distinction between the two concepts.