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Lesson 6 - Exception Handling

6.1 What Are Exceptions

Programs do not always run smoothly as expected. Sometimes, they encounter errors such as ZeroDivisionError, TypeError, and FileNotFoundError.

Exceptions are errors that arise during program execution and can disrupt the normal flow of the program if not handled properly.

For example:


The above line of code will raise an error because the variable a is not defined.

In Python, you can create a handler for such errors to manage them gracefully and provide meaningful feedback to the user, ensuring your program can continue running even when errors occur.

Benefits of Handling Exceptions: Handling exceptions offers several advantages:

  • Ensures that your application can manage unexpected conditions without crashing.
  • Helps maintain a smooth user experience by handling errors gracefully.
  • Facilitates proper resource management, such as closing files or releasing network connections.
  • Enables precise control over the flow of your program, allowing you to handle errors and continue execution as needed.