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Lesson 5 - Overview Of CSS

5.2 How CSS Works With HTML

To style your webpage with CSS, you need to integrate it into your HTML document. If you've created a separate CSS file, you'll link it to your HTML page.

Integration of CSS with HTML:

After including or linking CSS with HTML, your browser combines the HTML content with its associated style information. Here's how the process unfolds:

  1. Browser Loads the HTML: The browser retrieves and loads the HTML file from the server.

  2. HTML to DOM Conversion: The browser converts the HTML code into the Document Object Model (DOM), a structured representation of the webpage in the computer's memory.

  3. Fetching Linked Resources: The browser then fetches additional resources linked with the HTML page, such as CSS files, images, scripts, etc.

  4. Rendering HTML: Using the DOM and linked resources, the browser begins to render the HTML document, applying initial styles and formatting.

  5. Displaying the Webpage: Finally, the browser displays the fully rendered HTML webpage to the user, combining content and styles to create the visual layout as intended.

In this process, CSS plays a crucial role in defining the visual presentation of HTML elements, enhancing the design and user experience of the webpage.