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Lesson 8 - Box Model

8.1 Understanding The Box Model

In CSS, every element is treated as a box. Understanding the Box Model is essential as it defines the space an element occupies on a webpage, encompassing its content, padding, border, and margin. This knowledge enables precise control over layout and spacing of elements.

Components of the Box Model:

  1. Content: The innermost area of the box where text or images are displayed.

  2. Padding: Space between the content and the border. Padding adds internal spacing within the element, around its content.

  3. Border: The line that surrounds the padding and content. Borders can have various styles, widths, and colors, defining the outer edge of the element.

  4. Margin: The space outside the border. Margins create distance between the element and other elements on the page, contributing to layout spacing.

Visual Representation:

This diagram illustrates how the Box Model components (content, padding, border, and margin) interact to define the dimensions and spacing of an element on a webpage. Mastery of the Box Model empowers developers to create well-structured and visually appealing layouts in CSS.